"Seven - שבע: swear; oath - A common practice was to make seven declarations when making an oath. This declaration can be making the oath seven times or doing seven things to show the sincerity of the oath."
The Ancient Hebrew Lexicon of the Bible
The abundant presence of the number seven in the instructions given to the Children of Israel can be better understood when we are aware of the meaning of the Hebrew root שבע in its ancient context. The Israelites either did things seven times to confirm an oath to YHWH or were stopped from doing something seven times in order to prevent their making an oath/commitment to something that YHWH knew would eventually draw them away from Him.
You only work at your trade/job 6 days to acquire that which sustains you physically; the seventh day is YHWH’s, wherein you should focus on that which sustains you spiritually, for man doth not live by bread only, but by everything that proceedeth out of the mouth of YHWH doth man live (Deuteronomy 8:3)!
Seven days unleavened bread is consumed to remind us to remove that which exaggerates the apparent good in what is antithetical to the instructions of YHWH out of proportion from our hearts and dedicate ourselves to His higher consciousness.
After entering the land , for seven weeks after the Feast of Unleavened Bread, our fathers were to bring offerings to remind them of their relationship with the source of their blessings and to culminate that with the renewing of the covenant (the oath that was made by Israel) with YHWH that was entered at Mt. Sinai on the 50th day. This festival became known as “Shavuot”, the Feast of Weeks, or, more precisely, the Feast of the Oaths.
The seventh month has three of the High Holy days, inclusive of Yom Kippur, rededicating the people back to their relationship with their Creator.
Every seventh year is a Sabbath of the land, to again remind us that all our sustenance comes from YHWH, and to cause us to put our trust in that relationship.
Every seventh year is also a release from all debts; this is to remind those who have prospered materially that they must have compassion for those less fortunate and that life is more than accumulating materialism.
After seven releases and sabbaticals of the land years there is a Jubilee the 50th year; this is a time to allow the free flowing of that which has become stagnant, a time of overflowing joy and jubilation. This is the time to renew all relationships and begin a new chapter in life; to let go of the old debts and to start with a clean slate in the midst of Israel. This is to remind us that our relationships as family are of more value than any material possessions.
There is a seven that most people are probably not aware of, one which impacts greatly on our understanding of the cycles of the Creator:
“The sex of an early embryo cannot be determined because the reproductive structures do not differentiate until the seventh week. Prior to this, the child is considered bi-potential because it cannot be identified as male or female.”
Wikipedia - Sexual differentiation in humans
This clearly should indicate that Adam in conception was both male and female in potential, and, thusly, the subsequent man and woman forms were equal parts of a whole. The initial being, Adam, alone would never be productive physically; even though he possessed the female essence which, intuitively assisted him in naming the animals, physically, he was alone.
This explains why Yah Yahwah only had to take a portion of the physical body of Adam to form a female form; the same breath of life which was in the original form was also in this one! After seven weeks, the sex physically is finalized in harmony with the spiritual attributes.
All these sevens tie us closely/intimately with YHWH and the nature of the life we should share with one another and where our values should be placed. We must take oaths that commit us to being better people, a people that reflect that we are in the image and after the likeness of our Creator.
This is why seven has such a prominent presence in the culture and traditions of the Hebrew Israelite people, but it only has meaning if keeping your word is important to you; if you are only giving lip service, then none of this matters to you anyway! Making an oath or vow multiple times is merely ritual; a vow should only need to be taken once if you are sincere. Each generation must make its commitment to the covenant between Yah Yahwah and His people.
"9 And Moses wrote this law and delivered it unto the priests the sons of Levi, that bore the ark of the covenant of YHWH, and unto all the elders of Israel.
10 And Moses commanded them, saying: 'At the end of every seven years, in the set time of the year of release, in the feast of tabernacles,
11 when all Israel is come to appear before YHWH thy God in the place which He shall choose, thou shalt read this law before all Israel in their hearing.
12 Assemble the people, the men and the women and the little ones, and thy stranger that is within thy gates, that they may hear, and that they may learn, and fear YHWH your God, and observe to do all the words of this law;
13 and that their children, who have not known, may hear, and learn to fear YHWH your God, as long as ye live in the land whither ye go over the Jordan to possess it.' "
Deuteronomy 31
Have a blessed Sabbath/seventh day spiritual refreshing!